如何在 WooCommerce 产品评论后发送优惠券
您是否想在客户在您的 WooCommerce 商店上留下产品评论时向他们发送优惠券代码?
在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在 WooCommerce 产品评论后发送优惠券.
Why Send a Coupon After a Customer Leaves a Review?
Usually when you’re shopping online, you’ll want to read reviews from other customers before you make a purchase.Positive reviews help to build trust and confidence in your business and products, and customers tend to spend more when a business has good reviews.
However, many customers don’t leave reviews even when they’re happy with your business.
A smart way to encourage your customers to leave reviews is to send a coupon code as a simple thank you.
Coupons are a great way to promote your online store and make more sales.WooCommerce includes simple coupon functionality out of the box, and you can get more features by choosing the right WordPress coupon code plugin.
Manually sending a message to every customer who leaves a review could become a lot of work, so we’ll show you how to automate the process.
With that being said, let’s take a look at how to easily send a coupon code when a customer leaves a product review on your WooCommerce store.
Sending a Coupon After a WooCommerce Product Review
The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Uncanny Automator plugin.Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin.
The Pro version has tight integration with WooCommerce that lets you create all sorts of automated workflows for your online store.
For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.
Upon activation, you will also be asked to install the free version of Uncanny Automator.This light version of the plugin is limited in features but is used as the base for the Pro version.
Next, you need to navigate to the Automator » License Activation page to enter your license key.You can find this information under your account on the Uncanny Automator website.
Now we’re ready to create an automated workflow to send coupon codes.Uncanny Automator calls these Recipes.Simply navigate to the Automator » Add new page to create your first recipe.
You’ll be asked to select whether you want to create a Logged-in recipe or an Everyone recipe.You should select ‘Logged-in users’ and then click the Confirm button.
Next, you’ll need to enter a title for the recipe.
Your customers won’t see this, it’s for your own reference.We’ll call the recipe ‘Send a Coupon After a WooCommerce Product Review’.
设置 Uncanny Automator 触发器
接下来,您需要选择将触发操作的条件.您应该先点击"选择集成"下的 WooCommerce 图标.
您现在将看到 WordPress 触发器列表.您需要搜索"评论"并选择名为"用户评论产品"的触发器.
接下来,您需要选择是在用户评论任何产品还是仅某些产品时触发 Uncanny Automator 工作流程.对于本教程,我们将保留默认设置"任何产品".
设置 Uncanny Automator 操作
当用户留下产品评论时,操作将是发送 WooCommerce 优惠券代码.因此,您需要从集成列表中选择 WooCommerce.
只有一个 WooCommerce 操作可用,即"生成优惠券代码并将其通过电子邮件发送给用户".这正是我们想要做的,所以您现在应该选择该选项.
在本教程中,我们将选择"百分比折扣".接下来,您需要输入您希望提供的折扣百分比.我们将输入 30 为客户提供 30% 的购买折扣.
否则,您可以输入优惠券到期的天数或直接输入到期日期.如果您键入日期,则应确保使用格式 YYY-MM-DD.
我们将输入数字 14.这意味着优惠券将在我们将其发送给评论者两周后到期.
我们只想给产品评论者一次折扣,因此在"每张优惠券的使用限制"字段中,我们将输入数字 1.
激活 Uncanny Automator 配方
为了对此进行测试,我们在我们的测试 WooCommerce 商店上留下了产品评论,不久之后就收到了这封电子邮件.
我们希望本教程能帮助您了解如何在 WooCommerce 产品评论后发送优惠券.
您可能还想了解如何以正确的方式创建电子邮件通讯,或查看我们为您的商店提供的最佳 WooCommerce 插件列表.